XXX’s Enrique's Journey and the documentary Which Way Home filmed by XXX are both successful pieces of arts calling public attention upon the issue of child immigration in Central America. Both the book and the film took the position defending the children by emphasizing the challenges and struggles they are required to confront in during their search for shelter and future, and subsequently expected the compassion and sympathy of the audiences evoked by these imageries in order to achieve their purpose. Nevertheless, on a technical perspective, a substantial diversity exists between the techniques and methods the two arts adapted in attempting the subject. While the book, which mainly spent effort on puzzling together a complete and continuous narrative, took measurements greatly on personal experiences, the film, which instead chose a camera, offered abundance in visual aids, perhaps also a little music.
The very essence of both the book and the film is to draw forth positive emotions of the general population who can eventually benefit the child immigrants, at least in theory, by either relaxing the …show more content…
First, the title of the book, or Enrique’s journey, implicated an elastic yet extensive course covering the rise, climax, and fall of one specific character, that is Enrique, who tumbled through the immigration process. This broad duration certainly does better than a movie to enlighten the readers/viewers of the causes and effects, pros and cons of the issue, and often suggest some solutions that can solve the problem. Moreover, by a more personal engagement, the book can also derive more individual attention through a bit of