to give a comparison of George Milton and Lennie Small to the Great
Depression. The time that this story took place was during the Great
Depression. John Steinbeck captured the reality of this most difficult time.
During the Great Depression people needed to travel together to share
chores and duties to make a living until something better came along. That is
the way George and Lennie traveled. They traveled together to take care of
each other but George took care of Lennie the most, because he was always
getting in trouble. 'You do bad things and I got to get you out. ' (Of Mice
and Men p.11). During the Great Depression money was very scarce. You
had to travel around to find a job in order to make money to survive. Lennie
and George were in that type of predicament. Keeping enough money until
the next job was difficult because prices were rising during the Great
Depression and you had to budget your money. During this depression most
people worked on farms because after the stock market crashed people
realized that the reason the stock market crashed was because farms were not
producing enough goods. People started to work on farms more to help
everyone. Lennie and George worked for ranches and also in the fields.
'He 's a good skinner. He can rassel grain bags, drive a cultivator. He can do
anything. ' (Of Mice and Men p.22).
If you really look closely, George and Lennie 's way of life and the
Great Depression have a good deal in common. George and Lennie were
outcasts in life. George Milton was small in size and a very smart man
compared to Lennie. He was actually only of average intelligence. Lennie
Small was a large person and very retarded. Since Lennie was so retarded he
did not grasp the things that were happening around him. For example, if
someone became upset about anything he would grab them and hold and
squeeze until they stopped moving. Lennie