to Homer, The Iliad and The Odyssey provide two remarkably different views
on the nature of the Olympian Gods, their relationship to humanity, and the
general lot of mortals throughout their all too brief lives. As a result of these
differences, both stories end up sending contrasting messages about life in
general. In the Iliad, the supernatural denizens of Olympus are depicted as
treacherous, power-hungry, and above all temperamental beings that are
always at each other's throats. Factionalism abounds, and neither the bonds
of marriage, nor the ties of kinship can contain keep it under control. A perfect
example is when Ares betrays his mother, Hera, and his sister, Athene, by
aiding the Trojans instead of the Greeks. When he is discovered, Athena
strikes him down in battle through Diomedes. In the Odyssey, however, the
Gods of Olympus display far more unity and civility toward each other. They
argue and disagree, but their disagreements are never carried out to the
extremes found in the Iliad. When Poseidon punishes Odysseys for blinding
the Cyclopes, Athena does not take revenge. Even though Odyssey's is her
favorite mortal, she respects Poseidon's right to punish him. Also, the
treachery among the Gods that is so prevalent in the Iliad, is nowhere to be
found in the Odyssey.
In Iliad, Hera, enters into a conspiracy with Poseidon, Aphrodite, and Morpheus to aid the Greeks by putting Zeus to sleepÉ thus
rendering him unable to help his beloved Trojans. Nothing like this incident
can be found in the Odyssey. References to past disagreements and
arguments between the Gods (such as in the Poet's tale of Ares and
Aphrodite) are scattered throughout the book, however, so the views between
the Iliad and the Odyssey are not exactly diametrically opposed. The role of
the Gods in the affairs of humanity is much greater in the Iliad