People have their own beliefs in the existence of man and the universe. Some of these beliefs are greatly influence by individual’s own way of believing their religion and their God. With this diversity, these beliefs greatly affect the lives of most of us. And one of the best to compare is the belief of the creation between the Bible and the Rig Veda.
In the book of Genesis from the Bible, it is God who created the universe and all the things around us. God is mighty and the most powerful of all. On the first day He created the day and night. On the second day, He created the sky. The land, seas and vegetation were created on the third day giving way to the suns, moons and stars on the forth. After that day, He created the every living creature in the sea and in the sky.. But God wanted someone who will take care of all things he has created, therefore, on the sixth day He created man in his own and named him Adam image along with the other land creatures. However, Adam felt sad and alone in the Garden of Eden so God made him fall asleep and get one of his ribs and from that, He created Eve and brought her to the man. Adam and Eve are the first human and the ones to build human race. And on the seventh day, God rested. In a span of seventh day, God created he whole universe. In the Hymn of Man from the Rigveda, on the other hand, Purusa is the supreme god. He is described with having a thousand heads, a thousand eyes, and a thousand feet. It is said that all creatures were made from a quarter of his body, while the remaining three-fourths were made for eternal life in heaven. That explains that one-fourth of him was here. When his body was divided, his mouth became the Brahmans or the priest. His thighs became the Vaisya and from his feet were the Sudras. The moon was made from his mind and from his eyes were the sun. It is also