When comparing and contrasting the attitude of both speakers, is it easy to notice the disparity between the men and their approaches concerning the women. However, when trying to identify the comparison, the difference in the speaker’s attitude portrays their aspiration to be dominant and have the women all to themselves. Both men blame the women for their change in attitude when things don’t go their way, so they both try to make themselves seem like the victim of the women’s affection.
Furthermore, the literary devices explicated in both poems assists the attitude of the women from the perspective of the men. In “To His Coy Mistress” the literary devices are used to show the speakers dominance over his coy mistress. As he persuades her to accept his proposal, he uses devices such as metaphor to increase his …show more content…
When compared to “To His Coy Mistress” the speaker is jealous and doubtful of his wife. He did not like the fact that his wife showed consideration towards everyone and not focused on him. As the speaker mentions he didn’t feel appreciated for all his gave his wife, the ironic tone is revealed as the man killed his wife to finally have her for himself like he wanted. While in “To His Coy Mistress”, the tone is insistent as he constantly admires his mistress’s beauty, desperately wanting her to all for himself. However, with the demanding request, the tone then shifts into despairing making his coy mistress culpable for leading him on with her appearance, and in return want to proceed right away to make up for the