One of the key conjoining ideas within these two short stories is acceptance. In the past, people were not accepting towards the presence of homosexuals, but now in the present day, that has changed drastically. Homosexuals can now present themselves in public without receiving the same discrimination they got in the past. “Colleen and Claire were working in their back garden…” (Revenge Gardening, 1) Although this isn’t out on the busy streets in town, it still makes a bold statement about how comfortable they are in their own skin, showing no shame to others that they are homosexuals. One would also recognize quickly the very frequent feel of “shame” in It Used to Be Green Once, which transitions into the idea of acceptance. Children are more ashamed of themselves because of what they don’t have, ashamed that they do not uphold materialistic items. They are not able to accept that they are not wealthy, but the complete opposite. “We were all ashamed of our mother.” (It Used to Be Green Once, 1). They felt shame because they were young and immature about the world and the actions the parents took to try to support them all. When they won the lottery, it is evident that the parent’s personality and attitudes did not change, but the attitudes in the children changed. This is because they care about the materialistic things in life. Both these
One of the key conjoining ideas within these two short stories is acceptance. In the past, people were not accepting towards the presence of homosexuals, but now in the present day, that has changed drastically. Homosexuals can now present themselves in public without receiving the same discrimination they got in the past. “Colleen and Claire were working in their back garden…” (Revenge Gardening, 1) Although this isn’t out on the busy streets in town, it still makes a bold statement about how comfortable they are in their own skin, showing no shame to others that they are homosexuals. One would also recognize quickly the very frequent feel of “shame” in It Used to Be Green Once, which transitions into the idea of acceptance. Children are more ashamed of themselves because of what they don’t have, ashamed that they do not uphold materialistic items. They are not able to accept that they are not wealthy, but the complete opposite. “We were all ashamed of our mother.” (It Used to Be Green Once, 1). They felt shame because they were young and immature about the world and the actions the parents took to try to support them all. When they won the lottery, it is evident that the parent’s personality and attitudes did not change, but the attitudes in the children changed. This is because they care about the materialistic things in life. Both these