First of all, Jonas and Margo are different from others, for example Jonas has knowledge that other people in their community do not have and he has got the ability to see beyond. Margot also differs from other children. She is the only one who knows how the sun feels and looks like. Moreover, she originally comes from earth unlike the others in her class. These are the similarities.
A difference for instance is, whereas Jonas is special and respected, Margot is special and bullied. While Jonas is chosen to be a receiver and the person who gets all the memories, Margot is bullied and locked in the closet. Another major difference is that Jonas is from the community and he was the same as everybody else before he was chosen to be the receiver. However, Margot just moved to Venus and was originally from earth. That being the case, Margot was different from the beginning and Jonas was not.
In my point of view, the results of their differences will be that they are either treated specially because they are different or they are completely left out due to the fact that the other people do not like differences and feel jealous or uncomfortable.
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