Comparing the age pyramids of the target population showed that the age pyramid pattern of the population based in Kermanshah followed a different trend across the neighborhoods. Reduced fertility has resulted in a reduced birth rate and reduced population in lower levels of the age pyramid in the upper class neighborhoods, as a result of which the pyramid has undergone drastic changes and has turned into the age pyramid of elderly populations. On the contrary, high fertility rates in the lower class neighborhoods have resulted in the growing ratio of the young population and consequently the expansion of the age pyramid in the lower levels.
One the one hand, the age pyramid can generally be an indicator of the socioeconomic events that happen across the neighborhoods of cities, affecting the population structure, and on the other, it shows the changes in population formation as a result of birth, mortality and immigration. In this study, the majority of the population based in the lower class neighborhoods were less than 15 years of age, a small number of them were between 15 and 45 and a smaller portion was over 45 years of age, whereas this was opposite in the upper class neighborhoods (Fig. 3- A, B & C).