Dewey decimal classification and Library of Congress Classification are the two most widely used classification schemes and both are very effective tools for organizing materials in public and academic libraries
Singh (2011) states that the Dewey decimal classification scheme is a system of library classification that classifies all topics, knowledge and information into ten main classes numbered from 000 to 900, which together cover the entire world of knowledge. These ten classes are further divided into ten divisions which are also divided into ten sections.
The system has value because of its well-defined categories, well-developed hierarchies, and rich network of relationships among topics, worldwide use, and language-independent representation of concepts
The DDC’s coverage is comprehensive. Primary arrangement is by discipline, and within each main class a reasonable level of specifity is achieved.
Library of Congress Classification System (LCC) is a system which groups books according to subjects. The scheme separates all knowledge into classes. Each major class is identified by one letter of the alphabet. Subclasses are identified by combinations of letters, the first letter representing the major class and the second the more specific subclass. Subtopics within classes and subclasses are further broken down into numerical subgroups.
Both the DDC and LC systems facilitate access to the wealth of books published in the English language that are relevant to the multidisciplinary. They both originated from the USA but they are different in nature and structure
As it is with the Dewey decimal system, the Library of Congress system uses a cutter number that usually identifies the author’s name and books title.
Both the classification schemes provide for adjustment to the differences in the physical form of books and the treatment of subject matter by having form divisions (subdivisions) in
References: Batley, S. (2005). Classification in Theory and Practice. England: Chandos Publishing. Singh, S. (2011). The Theory and Practice of the Dewey Decimal Classification System. Delhi: Isha Books.