Going back to the articles of confederation, each state operated separately and independently from one another and a new constitution was adopted because this league of friendship failed. The …show more content…
Citizens are able to maintain individual rights while following the way of the majority.
Federalists: -favored a strong central government -wanted a new federal government that protected property -george washington most fit to govern Anti-federalists: -favored a weak central government -government should be closer to the people -people who are local should be making these decisions -believed government was the chief threat to liberty -feared that there was no bill of rights Their backgrounds might explain the reasons behind their differing points of view because federalists were people with money and there were very few of them during this time and believed that they could benefit from a strong central government. On the other hand, anti-federalists favored a weak central government because they were the farmers and slave owners that feared that a government with too much power would reflect a monarchy
*the executive branch being the president, makes laws official and commands armed forces
-veto bills passed by congress
-nominate judges
-refuse to pass a bill passed by the