Fresno is a more of an urban area and at this moment he lived a decent part of it, but that did not last long. Like many Mexican Americans, Soto’s parents worked in the agricultural surrounding Fresno. After his father’s death while working at a Sunmaid company his mom was alone with two kids, they were forced to move to a rougher neighborhood. In this new neighborhood, he formed many experiences that would be shown in his work. A poem called field poem shows how his life looked. The poem is lacking at a rhyme and a steady rhythm. Such as “leaving the field returning to the bus/ from the smashed bus windows I saw the cotton plants” Since he did not use rhyme or rhythm it gives more of a description of what's happening, and the reader will know more details about the poem. By saying these descriptions in the poems Soto shows what life looks like there and how it’s not the nicest. To show those extra details Soto’s life had to be in the poem for the poem to feel real and it shows how it helps to show you do not have to you all poetic structures. The reader sees this influence in how the poem sounds, but you can clearly see how his life was different.
Soto’s background life in fresno, his devastating memories and his thoughtfulness are all ways to make his short stories and poems more thrilling and real. All of his poems are made around real life events which make them easier to read and you are learning about his life at the same time. As much as he had to go through he made his life the best it could be and did what he loved doing. Gary has one of the most interesting ways to make his poetry