both gritty and having a growth mindset is ideal to ones development as not only a learner, but a
person. Having both traits will help lead someone to their success. “Angela Duckworth and the
Research on Grit” by Emily Hanford and “Mindset” by Carol Dweck explain the importance of
thinking like a “gritty” person and one with a “growth mindset.”
Research done on the topic of grit by Angela Duckworth have shown grit is “’sticking with
things over a very long time until you master them’”.This means that grit is the characteristic of
not giving up, a trait crucial to ones long term development. My own personal experience with
grit …show more content…
Most things
were done half-heartedly. Now, I can say I am caring and passionate. I care about leaning the art
and getting better at it. Being gritty may come easier for someone, but one can develop a gritty
outlook. With the desire to be something good, the difficulty of a situation will not stop
Dweck’s take on a person with a growth mindset is “Even in the growth mindset, failure can
be a painful experience. But it doesn't define you. It's a problem to be faced, dealt with, and
learned from." (.77). Both growth and fixed mindset thinkers are just as hurt with the same
failure, but a person whose established a growth mindset person will take the failure and make
the best of it. Someone can be tried and broken down, but with the "right" mindset one will take
a "failure" and come out with more than they came for. Having a growth mindset can positively
effect the persons desire to succeed. When I was younger, I had a karate class. I was shorter and
very gentle. I was legitimately knocked down. more times than I could count. I couldn't get angry
and I wouldn't fight back, I'd just get back up and see what else would come to me. Eventually,