The main focus of Voice of the Martyrs ministry is to bring awareness to the world about what Christians across the world that is experiencing persecution for being Christians. In addition to bringing awareness, they are also doing an awesome job of helping fund projects in persecuted countries. There goal is to get the local ministry leaders the resources and tools for ministry, in hopes that they will have a greater influence than a team coming in for missions. They also spend time training and educating local pastors. The ministries that Voice of the Martyrs is doing both nationally, and internationally makes me think of what Samson wrote in their book “Justice in the burbs” about location and the theology of placement. In chapter nine the authors discusses the importance of not just picking up where you are and moving to the most impoverished area of the world (Samson, 147). In other words we can be part right here, right now. Voice of the Martyrs is making an impact across the world by the awareness they are bringing nationally through their monthly newsletter about the persecuted church. They are doing ministry without going too all the persecuted corners of the earth, and informing millions about the need to help. They recognize their role in serving the global church from behind the scenes to help better empower the ministry of the locals …show more content…
The founder of the Voice of the Martyrs was a persecuted Christian in Eastern Europe, and decided if he ever was released that he would help bring awareness to these injustices across the world. Much like authors Samson, and Samson. There hope is to bring awareness to the injustices locally, so that we might look for our place to make a mark in our neighborhoods (Samson, 165). Many people across the United States suburbs have no idea the atrocities that are happening to Christians across the world. When they are informed many are shocked and taken back. How could those things be happening? Just because they do not make the media does not diminish their