In Soccer, the players have to wear uniforms which consist of shorts, shirts, socks, and cleats. For protection players only have shin guards to use and the goalkeeper has padded gloves to avoid injuries. There is additional equipment needed for this sport like flags and cones. Unlike American Football, the players have to wear much more gear than Soccer. The players also have to use a uniform. Therefore, football players are required to use football cleats, tight pants, and a jersey that states the player’s name, number, and team identity. Each jersey number categories the position of the player. The jersey needs to be larger in size so it can accommodate the shoulder pads that players use as protection for their upper body. There are other padding that protects the elbows, thighs, hip, tail, and knees. Even the head helmets and face mask which is secured to the head with a chin strap, that offers some head protection have some padding to prevent a concoction. Both sports require a use of a ball; however, the shape differs greatly. The round shaped ball is use in soccer and the oval shaped ball in football. Each ball has significance while playing game. The oval shaped thickness of the ball helps players get a better grip while tossing it to another to score a point. As opposed to, the round ball is kicked around from one player to another to make a…