When watching the films Spellbound and Bowling for columbine. I found that Spellbound being an objective documentary. Used a range of ‘characters’ from different regions, different ethnicity, different social classes and different traditions. The diversity of each ‘characters’ background represents a typical American culture/diversity of the country. This was …show more content…
A group decision was made to film a documentary regarding ‘what students opinions are about St Luke’s and whether it is a good school or not’. Our documentary is a subjective documentary as it is biased, though it shows a range of opinions in response to our questions, it presents a distinct point of view in that St luke's is a good school. We choose to interview students attending St Lukes from grades 7, 8 and 10. We would have liked to interview students from year 9, but due to naplan falling on our filming days and running low on time, we weren't able to. We asked our interviewees a range of questions regarding the learning environment environment and What they enjoyed about being at St Lukes (ADD Questions??). Our question were manipulated in a way that the interviewees would answer a more descriptive answer than yes or no. As we found our first lot of questions received responses like yes or No. I feel as though the questions were answered honestly however are slightly biased and influenced as the students attend St Luke's and may not want to say bad things as they knew they were being filmed. We filmed our interviews with a range of locations. The grade 7 interviews were filmed in the middle school building against a plain blue wall. They were interviewed in this way as it wasnt distracting to them or the viewers of the documentary. The grade 8 interviews were filmed outside with a nature