Candy is a guy they meet along the way he has a dog that is a men’s best friend.“I ought to of shot that dog myself, George. I shouldn't ought to of let no stranger shoot my dog.”This quote is basically saying that candy can not let go that someone a stranger to him kill his
dog that has been there for him through everything.He is sad that he did a bad thing of not killing the dog himself.Candy and george are planning to get a little place including lennie and candy gets really close to george and tells him everything that happens.
Curlys wife is the only female in the novel.Everyone sees has as a troublemaker because they fear of getting fired.”Why can’t I talk to you?I never get to talk to nobody.I get awful lonely,”she says.”you can talk to people but I can not talk to nobody but curly,” she explain to lennie.But all lennie is worrying about is tending the rabbits because George will not let him for the reason that he knows he done another bad thing.Curlys wife is trying to say that she is tired of how all the workers in the ranch ignore her because all she wants to do is to talk to someone who can understand how she feels.When she walk in the barn or where the workers are at they all ignore her over her swellness.When her and lennie were bonding about soft thing she told lennie to feel her hair because it was soft and when he died she got uncomfortable and they both panic and when lennie panics he hold on tighter so he broke he neck and ran off.