Class: 5M
Name: Mason Mui
Teacher :mr Sydney Wong
Title: compensated dating in Hong Kong secondary school/teenager: Views from S5 pupils
-Do the student know what is compensated dating?
-why compensated dating are important in secondary school?
-Do the student what they will do in compensated dating?
-Do the student know compensated dating is very harmful and dangerous in secondary school?
Aid communication, referred to as compensated dating, is from Japan noun, originally referred to the girl in order to obtain money and promised to date with the men, but not necessarily associated with sexual activity. Today, however, the significance is to become a student or minor to find their own guests, compensated dating is a special kind of "two-way interactive sex trade:" girl (in particular, not to society women of Secondary School Students ") to accept the" assistance "of adult men, including money, clothing, jewelry and food and other material comforts; the adult man accepted the girl's "assistance" - Sexual dedication. The "currently compensated dating is not limited to girls to adult men to have sex trade or boys to adult men or adult woman have sex trade.
I will use:
- Questionnaire (First hand)
- Get information in different people or tennager . Weakness: -May get some not serious or wrong information. OR even can’t get any Information.
- Research (Second hand)
- Easy to get information in internet. Weakness: - Can not find the first hand information. - The information may not really fit to the topic.
- References (Second hand)
- It can get the information correctly.
-it can have a clean and pure news and statistics. Weakness: - Can not get more information in short time. -May be the information is not good enough.
- Interview (First hand)
- It can get the most real information.
- It can easy to get some deep opinion. Weakness: -