To support social and emotional development and provide positive guidance
Functional Area 8: Self
One of my goals in the functional area of self is to provide physical and emotional security for each child and help each child to know, accept, and take pride in self and to develop a sense of independence. This is done by placing several photos around the room. Artwork is always displayed around my room, dangling from the ceiling, or taped to the wall at their eye level. Children have many things of their own to look at daily. Children in my care know that everyone is special and welcome.
Functional Area 9: Social
One of my goals in the functional area of social is to help each child feel accepted in the group, help children learn to communicate, and get along with others, and encourage feelings of empathy and mutual respect among children and adults. I do this by reading books. Children are also encouraged to help one another. They can help each other in ways that they understand.. The children make our room a better place by being empathetic and helpful to others. Children can be helpful to others at a very early age.
Functional Area 10: Guidance
One of my goals in the functional area of guidance is provide a supportive environment in which children begin to learn and practice appropriate behavior as individuals and in groups. In the program I want children to be independent and make positive choices. I help them do this by offering children several choices throughout the day. I work as a mediator, not a problem solver. Children in my care are informed, and have the practice needed to be independent and make good decisions. Children need guidance from the time they are born.
Competency Statement 3 by Karyn Graves
Word Count: 300