Have you ever thought that marketing your small business would be easier without competitors? The truth is that most of us have thought that way. Whilst you shouldn’t be fixated on your competitors, you can’t afford to ignore them. When there are plenty of jobs and business to go around we tend to get complacent and fail to do the things we need to do to stay competitive. We tend to take customers and employers for granted. Customer service drops off and innovation goes by the wayside.Having competition is healthy!
Framework :
Certain processes play divisive or disintegrative roles in the social life of individuals or groups. These are called dissociative processes. Conflict, competition and mutual opposition are called as dissociative processes. Many thinkers say that antagonistic or decisive process also strengthens the process of social solidarity. Man’s biological, psychological, cultural and social needs inspire him for competition. As trees in forest compete with one another to get sunlight, in a similar way wild animals compete for food, water and security. In the same way competition goes on among human beings with, the desire to fulfill their needs. Wherever and whenever the commodities which people want are available in a limited supply, there is competition.
Review of Literature :
Park and Burgess say that “Competition is art interaction without social contact.”
Biesanz says that “Competition is the striving of two or more persons for the same goal which is limited so that all cannot have.”
According to Sutherland, Woodward and Maxwell “Competition is an impersonal, unconscious, continuous struggle between individual or groups for satisfaction which, because of their limited supply, all may not have.”
Empirical Study and Generalization :
Nature and Characteristics of Competition :
1. Impersonal action :-
Competition is not a personal action. The individual may aware but has no personal contact with other