Introduction: 3
Competitive strategy of Virgin Atlantics: 3
Advantages: 6
Limitations: 8
Recommendations: 10
Constant analysis: 10
Hybrid strategy: 10
Competitive prices: 11
Value added services: 11
Conclusion: 12 Introduction:
Today, competition in international markets has become severe and in order to sustain relevant position, organizations need to assume competitive strategies so that they can gain competitive advantages. (Rao, pp.185, 2011) The dynamic condition of markets has made it complicated for the organizations to achieve higher level of success without using experts’ promulgated models and literatures. (Flouris, Oswald, pp.19, 2006) Hence, researches have made it simple for the organizations to compete at broader level yet these researches merely gives way to these organizations and they need to develop the strategic plans on their own.
Different companies adopt different kind of competitive strategies in order to get higher position in competitive market and for this purpose, it used to perform different activities than the competing firms. (Daft, pp.65, 2009)Virgin Airlines is one of the organizations who have assumed authentic strategies in order to satisfy customer’s need and ultimately got exceptional position. This paper is basically an analysis of the competitive strategy of Virgin Atlantics which it has used in order to gain competitive advantage. The first section analyzes the competitive strategy of Virgin Atlantics, second part deals with advantages and limitations and third part give certain recommendations to Virgin Atlantics in order to better its services.
Competitive strategy of Virgin Atlantics:
Porter has identified four different strategic options which an organization can use in order to gain competitive advantage keeping the contemporary internal and external environment under consideration. (Griffin, pp.244, 2010) Differentiation strategy is one of those competitive strategies
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