Acupuncture- Is a collection of procedures that involve stimulating points of the body. Some of the techniques used are penetrating the skin with small thin needles; this is one of the traditional Chinese methods. According to the traditional Chinese methods, stimulating the acupuncture points helps to correct imbalances in the flow. It has also been used to reduce depression, anxiety and sleep disturbances.
Cranio-sacral therapy- Is an alternative therapy used by occupational therapists, physiotherapists, massage therapists and naturopaths. This was developed in 1983 by Dr John Upledger; this is a delicate procedure with no manipulation. This involves the detection and facilitation of the cranal rhythmic impulse in the cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. This helps with headaches, neck and back pain, stress and tension related problems, traumatic brain and spinal cord issues and coordination problems.
Feng shui- Feng means wind and shui means water, in the Chinese culture wind and rain mean good health. Having good feng shui became to mean good fortune whilst having bad feng shui means misfortune. Feng shui has a lot of benefits for our day to day lives. Some of these are financial improvements, improved health, higher energy levels and higher fertility.
Aromatherapy- Is an alternative therapy that uses essential oils and other aromatic compounds that improve health and moods. The benefits of this are encouragement of restful sleep, enhance general feel of wellbeing, balance hormone production and reduce pain. Patch tests must be done on the individual’s skin before any oils are applied to make sure of any allergies.
Ayurveda- Based on the delicate balance of mind, body and soul. The main focus is to promote good health rather than fighting off disease. Ayurveda gives guidelines of how to keep disease away by simple dietary and lifestyle changes. It takes into account that ever patient is different and need