Written by Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Copyright 1997-2008.
(This guide is located at http://www.managementhelp.org/ethics/ethxgde.htm on the Web.)
The profession of business ethics has long needed a highly practical resource that is designed particularly for leaders and managers -- those people charged to ensure ethical practices in their organizations. Unfortunately, far too many resources about business ethics end up being designed primarily for philosophers, academics and social critics. As a result, leaders and managers struggle to really be able to make use of the resources at all.
Also, far too many resources about business ethics contain sensationalistic stories about businesses "gone bad" or prolonged preaching to businesses to "do the right thing". These resources often explore simplistic ethical questions, such as "Should Jane steal from the company?" The real world of leaders and managers is often much more complex than that.
This guide is a straightforward and highly practical tool designed to help leaders and managers implement comprehensive ethics management systems in their workplaces -- systems to deal with the complex, ethical issues that can occur in the day-to-day realities of leading and managing an organization.
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This free guidebook is about 20 pages long (8 1/2" x 11" pages). If you are reading the document on the World Wide Web, please wait until the document is fully loaded before attempting to link to its sections listed below. The best approach to using this guidebook may be to print it out for ongoing reference. The Free Management Library provides additional information about ethics and a great range of other free information about management. For a complete list of library topics, see http://www.managementhelp.org/topics.htm
The author, Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, makes no warranty, express or implied, nor
Bibliography: Brenner, S. N. (1992). "Ethics Programs and Their Dimensions". Journal of Business Ethics, 11,391-399. Buchholz, R. A. (1989). "Fundamental Concepts and Problems in Business Ethics". In Madsen, P., & Shafritz, J. M. (Eds.) (1990). "Essentials of Business Ethics". New York: Penguin Books. Carroll, A. B. (1990). "Principles of Business Ethics: Their Role in Decision Making and in Initial Consensus". Management Decision, 28(8), 21-23. Dean, P. J. (1992). "Making Codes of Ethics 'Real '." Journal of Business Ethics, 11, 285-290. Deborah, B. (1991, January/February). "Asking for Help: A Guide to Using Socially Responsible Consultants". Business Ethics Magazine, pp. 24-29. Francis, David R. (1991, June). "Prevent Trouble by Improving Ethics". Christian Science Monitor, p. 9. Fulcrum Consulting Group, 1093 Snelling Ave. South, Saint Paul, MN 55116. Phone 1-800-55-ETHIC. Gandz, J. & Bird, F. G. (1989, Autumn). "Designing Ethical Organizations". Business Quarterly, 54(2), 108-112. Genfan, H. (1987, November). "Formalizing Business Ethics". Training and Development Journal, pp. 35-37. Kirrane, D.E. (1990, November). "Managing Values: A Systematic Approach to Business Ethics". Training and Development Journal, pp. 53-60. Madsen, P., Ph. D., & Shafritz, J. M., Ph. D. (Eds.). (1990). "Essentials of Business Ethics". New York: Penguin Books. McDonald, G., & Zepp, R. (1990). "What Should Be Done? A Practical Approach to Business Ethics". Management Decision, 28(1), 9-13. Nash, L. (1981). "Ethics Without the Sermon". Harvard Business Review, (59). Navran Associates Management Consultants, 3037 Wembley Ridge, Atlanta, GA. Phone 404-493-8886. Reynolds, L. (1992, July/August). "The Ethics Audit. Business Ethics Magazine", pp. 20-22. Sims, R. R. (1991). "Institutionalization of Organizational Ethics". Journal of Business Ethics, 10, 493-506. Strong, K. C., & Meyer, G. (1992). "An Integrative Descriptive Model of Ethics Decision Making". Journal of Business Ethics, 11, 89-94. Thompson, T. (1991, Spring). "Managing Business Ethics". Canadian Public Administration, 34(1), 153-157. Toffler, B. (1991, Winter). "Doing Ethics: An Approach to Business Ethics Consulting". Moral Education Forum, 16(4), 14-20.