This management style is a critique on all the previous management styles. It believed in Safety Culture. Propounded by EH Schein in the 1960s, safety culture was developed because:
No single management style can succeed in improving the performance of all workers.
The motives of an individual may be extremely complex and liable to change over time.
A high level of satisfaction does not necessarily lead to increased productivity (the other way round?).
Further, it was also seen that the other management styles were too simplistic, whereas man is a very complex being. It is believed that safety is the one common requirement of all human beings. As per safety culture, the following were required to be committed by the management for the ideal safety culture management:
Prioritization of safety over production
Maintaining a high profile for safety in meetings
Personal attendance of managers at safety meetings and in walk-abouts
Face-to-face meetings with employees that feature safety as a topic
Job descriptions that include safety contracts
Communication about safety issues, including pervasive channels of formal and informal communication and regular communication between management, supervisors and the workforce
Involvement of employees, for empowerment, as well as delegation of responsibility for safety, and encouragement to commit to the organization
This style is used to a moderate extent with certain organization-specific modifications.
Different people are motivated in different ways.
Rational economic: Scientific management
Social Man: Human Relations
Self-actualising man: Maslow/Hezberg
Complex Man: All of the above
In Organizational culture and leadership, Schein defines culture as a pattern of basic assumptions, and discusses how these fall into five, often oppositional, categories:
1. Humanity's relationship to nature--some organisations seem want to dominate the external environment, while others accept its