Research Report
Introduction Report on business English provides a critical review and evaluation of literature for foreign and secondary language users in business. The author of this report has not included the entire component required in a universal research report format. For instance, the author did not include the abstract as it is in universal research form. The abstract, in this case, was not relevant because the author discussed what the report entails in the summary. The author has the review section so that the most senior personnel who do not have time to go through the whole story will read through. In the summary, there is very clear and precise information in the summary section about the problem or aspect of the business that the report is analyzing. The author did not also include the appendix where the information that supports to arguments used in the report. Hence, the author has not included all the sources and research information in details since he has not included the appendix. The author of this report did not include the methodology. In a universal research report, a list of methods used in the study, for example, if one interviewed focus group or consulted research firms while doing research. In this component of a research report journal, one gives the reason they are resorted to using a particular methodology. In this business English report, there were no research methods used hence methodology was irrelevant.
Ways in which the Report is Represented Differently
This business research report is presented separately from a research convention format. In a universal conviction research, the first thing to appear in the report is the abstract. In this report, the author starts by summarizing what the story entails. From the summary, the author gives the introduction of perspective of market trend and business. This
References: Charles, D. (1984). “The Boston study: analysis of an important metropolitan business and technical- communication market.” Journal of business and Technical Communication, 3: 5-35 Zikmund, W., Babin, B., Carr, J., & Griffin, M. (2013). Business Research Methods. Mason, OH: Cengage