Components of fitness
Aerobic endurance- the heart's ability to deliver blood to working muscles and their ability to use it (e.g. running long distances)
Muscular endurance- is the ability of a muscle or group of muscle, to work continuously/for a long time without tiring.
Flexibility- The range of movement at/across/around a joint
Speed- Moving the whole body part of the body very quickly/in a short time.
Strength- The maximum force a muscle/group of muscles can apply against a resistance.
Power- Combination of strength and speed.
Methods of training
1. Aerobic endurance training methods are:
Continuous training- Continuous training is a type of physical training that involves activity without rest. Examples would be, jogging for 30 minutes and with the training zone. This is found between 60-80% of your Maximum heart rate (MHR).
Fartlek training- this is where you vary your speed and the type of terrain over which you run, walk, cycle or ski. It improves aerobic and anaerobic fitness.
Interval training- This is a type of discontinuous physical training that involves a series of low to high-intensity exercise workouts with rest.
Adaptations of training
Increased vital capacity- this is the maximum amount of air a person can breathe out from the lungs after a maximum inhalation.
Increased strength of respiratory muscles- Regular exercise results in adaptations to the circulatory, respiratory and muscular systems in order to help them perform better under additional stress.
Increase in oxygen diffusion rate- The respiratory muscles (Diaphragm/intercostals) increase in strength. This then results in larger respiratory volumes, which allows more Oxygen to be diffused into the blood flow (VO2 max)
Advantages of Fartlek training:
Pace can be adapted to allow time recovery so the performer can work to his/her maximum effort.
Improved cardiovascular fitness and muscular endurance and decrease chance of coronary