Components of the criminal justice system include the police, the court system and correctional agencies. The definition, the function and examples of each component of the American criminal justice system will be described. The criminal procedure and the processing of offenders will also be described in details.
Components of the Criminal Justice System The criminal justice system consists of three main components. Those components are polices, courts, and corrections. Each component will be defined according to the American criminal justice system. The primary function of each component will also be identified and two examples of each component will be given. The ultimate goal in the criminal justice system is “(1) the need to enforce the law and to maintain public order and (2) the need to protect individuals from injustice, especially at the hands of the criminal justice system” (Schmalleger, 2011). The criminal procedure and the processing of offenders will also be described in details. Who are the police? What is the function of the police? Police are government officials in charge of regulating and controlling affairs within the community. Police are designed “to regulate, control, or keep order with or as if with a law enforcement agency” (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/police). The functions of the police are to enforce the law, investigate crimes, apprehend criminals, maintain public order, prevent and reduce crime, and ensure community safety. Two examples of policing are the television show “Cops” and the movie “Bad Boys”. The television show “Cops” display a real life example of crimes that are committed in today’s society. The images that “Cops” display are positive images. “Cops” show the public the steps for which a cop must do on a daily basis. The stages for which “Cops” display in the criminal justice process are: how the offender commits the crime and where the offender is
References: Police. The Free Dictionary. (n.d). Retrieved from http://www.the freedictionary.com/police. Schmalleger, F. (2011) Criminal Justice Today: An Introductory Text for the 21st Century 11th Edition. Upper Saddle, NY: Pearson.