Part 1: Introduction( page 3)
- Introduction the compound adjective
- Reason for choosing compound adjective, the important of the compound adjective
Part 2: Literature review
- Definition of compound adjective(page 4 )
- Function of compound adjective( page 4)
- Classification of compound adjective( page 4,5)
Part 3: Application ( In teaching and learning English )
- Problem( page 6)
- Suggestion for learning and teaching( page 7,8 )
Part 4: Conclusion (page 9)
In linguistics, word formation is the process of building new words from material already existing in the language according to certain structural and semantic patterns and formulae.
Every language is in constant need for new words. This is mainly because of the development in the technological field. New product are coming on the market and all of them need namws by which to be called. Because of these new inventions and changes, a language needs to borrow, derive or otherwise coin new words simply because new things need names. The formation of words does not just appear like that out of the blue, but rather, there are several methods that are used to create new words.
There are various principlal ways of word-formation in English graded according to their productive degrees, such as affixation, compounding, shortening,... Compound words are one of item English lexicology. Compound can fuction in a sentence separate lexical units due to their integrity semantic unity and so on.
There is a great variety of compounds hence a great variety of classification. Some practical ways to classify them are presented as follow: + According to the meaning: idiomatic and non idiomatic + According to componental relationship: coordinative compound and subordinative compound + According to the part of