By Meganne Standal
Meganne Standal
APOU101 Momentum (03) FA1 2012
18 September 2012
Comprehensive Life Plan
I spent my high school years dreaming of places I wanted to see, things I wanted to do, and people I wanted to meet. After graduation reality set in and I realized I abused my time in high school, making it difficult for me to transition into adult hood. I thought of what I was going to do rather than how I was going to get there; I could not have been more wrong. Therefore the importance of life planning has become a crucial component of seeing my dreams come true. Establishing attainable goals for today in order to determine what happens tomorrow is essential for lifelong success.
Franklin Covey Mission Statement Builder (Covey, 2008) created a structured summary of my values and aspirations in life. With this new concept I have a new perspective of how to organize my thoughts and bring them to life on paper. I am excited about this new direction in my life and I believe this mission statement will be a constant reminder of who God is challenging me to become.
Mission Statement: I am at my best when I am active and surround myself with people who are outgoing and love the outdoors. However, I am not at my best when I am careless about my diet and surround myself people who are ungrateful and selfish. I will enjoy my work by finding employment where I can make people feel happy, confident, and valued by God. I will find enjoyment in my personal life by reading, studying integrative medicine, and trying new cuisine. I will find the most enjoyment when doing and supporting things my loved ones are passionate about.
I will find opportunities to use my natural gifts such as empathy, and honesty in relationships and discernment to guard my heart. I will also find opportunities to use my natural talents such as photography to capture God’s beautifully and wonderfully created people in photographs. I will use my eye for