At today's visit she is home alone. Her daughter is on speaker phone. The daughter …show more content…
The daughter states that she wants palliative care to follow the patient because the patient has been declining. Her appetite is poor but no weight loss. She has had increased forgetfulness and increased shortness of breath. The daughter states that with the patient continue decline she might soon not be able to make it to her pain management appointments. The patient reports that she has had frequent and increase episodes of anxiety because at times she feels like she cannot catch her breath. She states that her lorazepam was recently adjusted to 0.5 mg 4 times daily for her anxiety and 1 mg at night to help her sleep. The patient reports increased feeling of fullness in her stomach which she contributes to her GERD. She also states that she was diagnosed with a colon mass but has refused further diagnostic work up because of her advanced COPD. She states “even if it is cancerous, I would not want it operated on because I know I would not make it off the table due to my breathing issues". She