Having high voter turnout does not necessarily result in accurate votes. The idea of compulsory voting may seem like a good idea on the surface, but when you dig deeper into the idea, it has more negative effects than positive. Just because you make people vote, does not mean they are well
educated on the topic at hand. For example if you are taking a survey on a topic you do not really know about, you are more likely to guess and not care about the results. It is the same idea with compulsory voting. People that are uneducated, or do not care about voting, more than likely will randomly choose a candidate based on their popularity or maybe even the sound of their name. Compulsory voting is also undemocratic and an infringement of liberty. Voting is more of a civic right, rather than a civic duty. Citizens of one country should be educated on the policies of their country and should vote, but voting is not a civic duty. You can not be forced to do something in a "free" country or you are completely challenging the freedom of the rest of the rights we are granted to choose freely about. Compulsory voting also comes with a price. When people decide not to show up to the polls, for whatever reason, they are tracked down and presented with a consequence. You must have the resources to find out who and why those that did not vote, did not vote. Nation must spend money to enforce their voting rules that do not even guarantee an accurate outcome. You have to devote major time and resources from government law enforcements, just so you can figure out who is not following the rules of compulsory voting, also known as wasting money, compulsory voting is very unbeneficial, but the idea does guarantee that candidates are more likely to focus on policies rather than influencing voters to vote. While this is a positive aspect in this system and it may make sense, it eventually will lead to a negative outcome. People that do not care about voting in the first place are not going to care no matter what candidates say, still resulting in guessing and inaccuracy.
Overall compulsory voting is a terrible idea, even though it may seem like a good idea on the surface. Compulsory voting is ineffective and undemocratic and does not guarantee a better outcome.