Online video game addiction
Exploring a new phenomenon
Online video game addiction Exploring a new phenomenon
Antonius J. van Rooij
Heemraadssingel 194
3021 DM Rotterdam
T 010 425 33 66
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Antonius J. van Rooij
Online video game addiction
Exploring a new phenomenon
Antonius J. van Rooij
Online video game addiction. Exploring a new phenomenon.
© Antonius J. van Rooij, 2011
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be produced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanically, by photocopy, by recording, or otherwise, without permission of the author.
Recommended citation
Van Rooij, A. J. (2011). Online Video Game Addiction. Exploring a new phenomenon [PhD Thesis].
Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Erasmus University Rotterdam
ISBN/EAN: 9789074234887
Video game addiction, internet addiction, online video games, MMORPG, gambling, compulsive online video game use, compulsive internet use, psychosocial well-being, online friendship quality, loneliness, depression, social anxiety, negative self-esteem, social responsibility
Studies in this thesis were supported by
Netherlands Organization for Health Research & Development (ZonMw), Volksbond Foundation Rotterdam,
Kennisnet Foundation, Addiction Care North Netherlands, De Hoop Foundation, Novadic Kentron Addiction
Care, Tactus Addiction Care, Brijder Addiction Care, and the IVO Addiction Research Institute.
Laraine Visser-Isles (The Language Bureau)
Cover illustration Lay-out and print Online video game addiction
Exploring a New Phenomenon
Online videogame verslaving
Verkenning van een nieuw fenomeen
ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam op gezag van de rector magnificus
Prof.dr. H.G. Schmidt en volgens besluit van de het College voor Promoties
References: 135 Reprinted with permission (Marc van Tol, April 2010) are Extreme Gamers” (NPD, 2008). Extreme gamers play an average of 45 hours per week. A press release by the same firm two years later stated that this percentage had increased reported that the group of extreme gamers had grown to four percent, emphasizing that “…extreme gamers spend two full days per week playing video games” (NPD, 2010). a motion controllable console system aimed at more casual gaming audiences (Nuttal, 2006). genres made a transition to incorporate the new online multiplayer options. Examples include first-person shooters such as Counterstrike (1999) or real-time strategy games such as Starcraft (1998) interesting, however, are the various newly-emerging game genres which were entirely based upon online and internet enabled playing, such as Unreal Tournament (2000) of persistent virtual worlds such as Everquest (1999), World of Warcraft (2004), and numerous small internet browser-based games. Table 1.1 provides an overview of the three main modes of game playing that fits well with the current situation on the video game market (Van Rooij, Schoenmakers, Meerkerk, & Van de Mheen, 2008, 2009).