Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA E-mail:
Keshab K. Parhi
Abstract - This paper presents novel architectures for fast binary addition which can be implemented using multiplexers only. Binary addition is carried out using a fast redundant-to-binary converter. It is shown that appropriate encoding of the redundant digits and recasting the binary addition as a redundant-to-binary conversion reduces the latency of addition from Wtfa to Wtmux where tfa and tmux , respectively, represent binary full adder and multiplexer delays, and W is the word-length. A family of fast converter architectures is developed based on tree-type (obtained using look-ahead techniques) and carry-select approaches. The carrygeneration component is the critical component in redundant-to-binary conversion and binary addition. It is shown that, if the word-length, W , is a power of two, then all carry signals can be generated in log2 Wtmux time using W (log2 W ? 1) + 1 multiplexers using a tree-type converter. It is shown that fastest binary addition can be performed using (Wlog2 W + 1) multiplexers in time (log2 W + 1)tmux . If the speci ed converter latency is greater than log2 Wtmux, then a family of converters using fewest multiplexers can be designed based on carry-select approach. It is shown that the power consumption in carry-select adders is minimized by increasing the number of segments in the adder.
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