No doubt,the use of computer has lowered human labor lots and lots The work which required much time before can now be done simply within fraction of seconds.This is one of the main cons of computers.Sitting in a room and controlling world has now become possible due to discovery of computers.Communication has become possible due to internet.Information can be easily gained through internet.Globalization has become possible due to computers.
Computers are used in each and every sector.From offices to school,from colleges to houses ...everywhere it is used.Even in defense system it is used.In hospitals to keep record of patients,to find symptoms of various diseases its been used.Similarly,it is been used for entertainment by teenagers.Likewise,it is been used as source of education.Distance education has become possible.So, these are the advantages of invention of computers which might make us think that they are very useful.But one thing that must be kept in mind is its negative aspect too.
Computer hackers are the main cause for its negativity.Online robbery has become possible.Hackers are actively involved in cyber crime.Piracy has become so frequent that business organization has to face heavy loss.Important file and datas can be easily stolen which might be foundation of a country.Porn sites are been viewed by people which is promoting rapes and many other