I. General Rules and Conditions 1. This plan conforms to the regulations of the general frame of programs of graduate studies at the University of Jordan. 2. Candidates for admission in this program are holders of the Bachelor's degree in the following specialties: a) Computer Engineering b) Electrical Engineering c) Networks Engineering d) Communications Engineering e) Electronics Engineering f) Bachelor of Mechatronics II. Special Conditions: None. III. The Study Plan: Studying (33) credit hours as follows: 1. Obligatory courses listed in Table 1; (15) Credit Hours. Course No. 0903720 0903723 0907721 0907731 0907741 Course Title Random Processes Variables and Stochastic Credit hrs. 3 3 3 3 3 Prerequisite 0903720 0907721
Analysis of Communications Networks Network Systems Design Advanced Computer Architecture Distributed Systems
2. Elective courses selected from the list shown in Table 2; (9) Credit Hours. Credit Course No. Course Title Pre-requisite hrs. 0903721 0903725 0903728 0903730 0907702 0907722 0907723 0907732 0907733 0907779 Digital Communications I Wireless Communication Systems Data Communication Systems Multimedia Streaming Computer Performance Evaluation Networks and Systems Security Wireless Networks Advanced Embedded Systems Parallel Processors 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0903720 0907721 -
Special Topics in Computer Engineering and 3 Networks 3. Masters Thesis, 0907799; (9) Credit Hours.
Study Plan Masters of Science in Computer Engineering and Networks (Non-Thesis Track) I. General Rules and Conditions 1. This plan conforms to the regulations of the general frame of programs of graduate studies at the University of Jordan. 2. Candidates for admission in this program are holders of the Bachelor's degree in the following specialties: a) Computer Engineering b) Electrical Engineering c) Networks Engineering d) Communications Engineering e) Electronics