Instead they spending they time with their studies, families their spending their time in the computer. I know the study case is all about the exposure of computer to the student in every level like kindergarten, elementary, secondary level, college level.
Nowadays the computer is used in the house and school. But many arguments the advantages and disadvantages of the computer games that are expose to the new generation now. But according to (Soukalo, Okada, & Takada, 1997) computer games also improve logical thinking and problem solving skil.
But according to many people when they staying many ours in the front of the computer they having chess pain and eyestrain.
At my case on staying many ours in front of the computer I feel a back pain and many more. As I read the article I get shucked when I read the article because even the kindergarten staying many hours in the front of the computer just playing nonsense. Because the use of the computer games nowadays has popular among users despite their age and gender because for them playing computer is entertainment for them and make them “IN” in the society.When they playing computer games they releasing pain.
As I read the study case I read about the 2.2 premilinary study they interview some people playing computer games and they ask what they favorite computer games. And they answer back the question. And this is the list of the answer. DINNER DASH, COUNTER STRIKE , PINBALL, HANGAROO, SOLITAIRE, MARIO.
In 2004 alone, children spent 49 minutes per day playing computer games and on any in 83% of homes with children aged 8-18years play games.
8-10 year old they play with in 33 minutes per day
2-7 year old they play with in 7 hours a week
Girls played with in 5 hours per week then boys played 13 hours per weak.
In my opinion the computer games should be played only by adult. Not on the kindergarten, not on the elementary , they will