Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) is the manufacturing approach to control the entire production process by of using computers .This integration allows individual processes to share with each other and initiate actions. Through the combination of computers, manufacturing can be faster and less error-prone, although the main benefit is the capability to create automated manufacturing processes.U.Rembold, B.O.Nnaji and A.Storr (1993) states that the manufacturing industries have become the most important contributors to prosperity for the industrialized nations. Computer technology in conjunction with software technology, has made available to the manufacturer tools which can greatly improve their reaction to a new market situation, speeding tools which can greatly improve their reaction to a new market situation, speeding up the design of products, improving process planning, maximizing resource scheduling and streamlining production flow through factories. When the computer has become a major component of a manufacturing system and helps to plan and operate it, we call it Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM).
Joseph Harrington Jr. (1973) mentions that the development of computer aids to other manufacturing process began to move forward. Computer aided design, numerically controlled inspection and equipment assembly, computerized test gear, and computer controlled materials-handling and storage systems all vied for center-stage attention.Jean-Baptiste Waldner (1990) illuminates that CIM has become the key concept in future company strategy. Because it is sometimes referred to as an integrated system of production, the field of CIM has appeared to be restricted literally to factory production alone. In fact, the objective of CIM is much more extensive: it aims to help with all business functions, not only with production, and to establish close, systematic and frequent relationships between the various functional
References: U.Rembold, B.O.Nnaji and A.Storr (1993): ”Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Engineering”. Boston: Addison Wesley. pp. xv-xix. ISBN 0-201-56541-2 Alan Weatherall (1988): ”Computer Integrated Manufacturing; from fundamentals to implementation” Jean-Baptiste Waldner (1990): ”Les nouvelles perspectives de la production”(engl. Principles of Computer integrated Manufacturing). Bordas Paris. pp. viii-xi. ISBN 0-471-93450-X Joseph Harrington Jr P Crumpton (1992): “Introducing CIM for the smaller business”. Manchester: NCC Blackwell Limited. pp. vii-viii. ISBN 1-85012-810-2 Paul G David D. Bedworth, Mark R. Henderson and Philip M. Wolfe (1991): “Computer Integrated Design and Manufacturing”. Singapore: McGraw Hill Book Co. pp. xvii-xix. ISBN 0-07-100846-2 Ronald P Knight Ray, Knight Lee and Donohoe Patrick (1991): ”Computer integrated manufacturing”. Vol. 61. pp. 32-35. ISSN 0004-8631 Çenesİz, Nilüfer and Esin, Murat (2004): “Controller area network (CAN) for computer integrated manufacturing systems” Lee, Taehee (1990): “New jobs regeneration methods for computer integrated manufacturing environment”. Computers & Industrial Engineering. Vol. 19. pp. 25-27. ISSN 0360-8352 Ralston and Munton Tony (1987): ”Computer integrated manufacturing”