Do you get days where you feel like tearing your hair out, because your Pc will not operate in the manner which it did when you first bought it.
Believe me you are not alone, this happens to most of us, especially if your Pc is a few years old and you have not given it the maintenance it requires. Pcs need to be kept in good condition and from time to time they have to be given a good clean out.
In this E-book, I shall give you the steps which you need to carry out approximately once per month. These steps will help keep your Pc running well and efficiently.
Most of the steps below are easy to perform and will work wonders for your Pc. Make sure you perform each task at least once per month. If your Pc is over a year old and you have not carried out any kind of maintenance, the process could take some hours to complete. Don’t worry, once you have carried out these tasks for the first time, it should take only around half an hour the next time you maintain your Pc.
Empty Recycle Bin
The first thing to do is empty your recycle bin, this may seem obvious, but it is surprising how many people let the recycle bin clog up with unwanted files. When you delete a file, it is stored in the recycle bin folder, this gives you the chance to restore it later if you wish. Keeping these files takes up hard disc space, so if you no longer require them, delete them by simply right clicking on the recycle bin icon on your desktop and selecting “empty recycle bin” from the drop down menu.
Uninstall Unused Programs
Over a period of time you will have loaded many programs from cd discs and from the internet. You will most likely have many programs which you no longer use. These programs are taking valuable hard disc space and need to be deleted. You need to go through all your installed programs and delete the ones you no longer require. To do this go to your start menu, control panel then click on the add / remove