Gambling is known to be a vice of many men. An activity that requires one to bet their cold hard cash that they earned through their jobs and to bet it all on a luck and the slim chance that they would somehow beat the odds and receive what they had betted and much more. Gambling has been proven to stimulate the brains reward system that similar to how drugs and alcohol stimulate the brains reward system. But dabbling in such activities, such as gambling with cards and dice, have not always ensnared all participants in said activities into an addiction some have had just found simple enjoyment and pleasure in participating in gambling. Stanislaw Ulam, a mathematician and man who had enjoyed in dabbling with games regarding …show more content…
gambling or more specifically activities that focused on random processes, brought the idea of “lucky numbers” and the way that these ”lucky numbers” occurred were similar to how prime numbers were allotted. “Lucky numbers” was a part of the theory of branching processes and with Ulman’s aid in the development in the theories of branching processes eventually led to another prominent mathematician to see his work, John von Neumann, and together they made the Monte Carlo method.
The Monte Carlo Method was the creation of the algorithm which need random generated numbers to be created and then you would f = g^-1, g being the transformed “non-uniform distribution” of the thing or object that is being tested or simulated and f being the inverse of the “non-uniform distribution”. The first real test of this method was used on the ENIAC, the first electrical computer, which was used to simulate problems that dealt with the transport of neutrons. The computer, using the Monte Carlo Method, solved nine problems regard the transportation of neutrons and when compared to the Monte Carlo Method results with data regarding the past history of neutron transportation and other methods that were used at the time, the Monte Carlo Method appeared to have been relatively accurate which led to a positive outlook on the method. With the success regarding the ENIAC problems other people who worked for the lab that housed the ENIAC decided to use the ENIAC in conjunction with the Monte Carlo Method to solve other problems. As other lab personnel started to use the method their interest in the Monte Carlo Method led to publications. Some who persons who decided to publish writings on the method were C.J. Everett who joined with E. Cashwell. As interest and publications increased surrounding the subject of the Monte Carlo Method led to meetings and conferences regarding the Monte Carlo Method such as on in Los Angeles in mid-1949 and a second in Gainesville at the University of Florida. Eventually the Monte Carlo method become a well-known method within the mathematical community and the scientific community because of its uses in both fields in simulating a multitude of problems and in some aspects it is still used today to answer problems. It was used recently in a scholarly article that involved the Monte Carlo Method being used on the simulation of Brownian motors and its acceleration.
Computer simulation has advanced greatly since the creation of the Monte Carlo Method and has branched out to being not only used in the fields mathematics and to science regarding physic but also biology, psychology, astrophysics, social science, engineering, climatology, and even economics. All of these fields use a set computer simulation to garner data that can help better improve or understand an object or a certain subject that is in need of experimenting to find an approximate outcome or result. A computer simulation that effects a great proportion of the human population that many may not think affects them directly would be car simulations. When talking about car simulations I do not particularly mean the car simulations that one uses to drive a car for their own enjoyment or the car simulations that one may be able to use for practicing their driving skills, though that is definitely a useful simulation for those individuals who are not so adept at driving and not hitting peoples vehicles, but car simulations that car companies use to help better the safety features of the vehicle that the car company is trying to manufacture. General Motors also known as GM has come out publically saying that they use computer simulations to help with the creation of car designs and the safety risks that come with said designs.
Also that with the use of computer simulation that General Motors has been able to more accurately determine car crashes and able to save money as well. Honda is another car manufacturing company that has decided to use computer simulation in their process but have recently decided to further their computer simulation technology. Honda IHS Automotive senior analyst employee, Eric Fedewa, has stated that the company has wanted to decrease the production cycle for more than 20 years and with this new computer simulation. The computer simulation that Honda wants to implement within their company uses three-dimensional, visualization technology to create car crash simulations in hopes of having a 100 percent accuracy rate. The purpose of Honda using this technology is similar to that of General Motors, which is to lower the time it takes to approve vehicle designs and lower the time of the actual testing of the safety features of the vehicle while saving the company money. At the end of the day many people definitely appreciate the fact that computer simulations are being used by these car companies because it helps keep people safe by examining the faults within the vehicle and allowing the car companies to fix them though people may not know about this subtle appreciation. The car companies are loving this technology because it helps them save money and ultimately make more money because the faster the car companies are able to develop these new and approved cars the faster they can get their money worth from the production of the vehicle, and personally I love this use of technology for cars because I personally drive a car and I would much rather drive a car that has been tested multiple times to help ensure the safety of the people within the vehicle because a car accident
can always happen whether I am in the passenger seat or the driver the seat and my life is most definitely something important that I want to keep.
Computer simulations in regards to the vehicle manufacturing area is defiantly a great thing but I can also have its downsides because at the end of the day nothing is perfect. The use of car simulations can be able to help discover the faults and problems within the vehicles designs and its ability to keep the passengers within the vehicle safe but there is always a possibility of the being a computational error whether it be the formula used creates an error or a worker themselves accidently inputs some data in the simulation incorrectly. There is also the possibility that car companies may become too dependent on the computer simulations results and may cut back on actual car crashing trials which test the vehicles actual capabilities. A computer simulation can give accurate results but there is always a margin of error and corporate greed can possibly increase that margin of error if there becomes complete reliance on a simulation and neglect on actual trials of the vehicle. The people who benefit from this which are drivers can benefit much but at the same time they are also taking the biggest risk as well because of the potential possibility of negligence that a computer simulation may cause within a car company.
Data Encryption: When I first heard about data encryption I first thought about how news anchors talk about secret government files and those action movies that involve spies finding and stealing a data file from some big corporation or big villain with the help of the cyber hacker decoding the security on the file that the spy stole. Of course a lot of the content in the movies are mostly if not all false but my idea of idea encryption was not completely off. Data encryption is the act of encrypting data for safety purposes. Data encryption can be split into two categories: symmetric (private) encryption and asymmetric encryption. Symmetric encryption only uses one key to encrypt and decrypt data and the key should be given beforehand to whoever you want to t=give the key to. Examples of symmetric encryption would be Data Encryption Standard (DES) and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). There are disadvantages of using symmetric encryption because the strength of the key depends on how large the key is. Asymmetric encryption is used to create a solution to the problem of key distribution by using two key; a public key used for encryption and a private key used for decryption. RSA and Digital signatures are examples of Asymmetrical encryption. Just like symmetrical encryption, asymmetrical encryption has its own disadvantages. Asymmetrical encryption is not ideal for small mobile devices because the public key that is needed is based on mathematical functions which can be very intense for small devices like cellphones but with the advancement of cellphone technology this problem can be surpassed. As of today the most common method of encryption is the Advanced Encryption Standard but before that the Data Encryption Standard was the most common and used method of encrypting data. Data Encryption Standard was created an IBM team in 1974 that consisted of Horst Fiestel, who not only helped in the Creation of DES but also other encryption programs such as blowfish and more, Carl Meyer and Mike Matyas who helped with DES security functions, Alan Konheim and Don Coppersmith were mathematicians for the IBM organization, and the last prominent figure who helped in the creation the Data Encryption Standard was Walter Tuchman, “director of the IBM cryptographic competency center and the primary designer of the final DES algorithm”.