Learner name|Assessor name|
|Chagitha Hewage |
Date Issued|Completion date|Submitted on|
15th August 2013|15th November 2013||
Qualification|Unit number and title|
HND in Computing and Systems Development | 02-Computer Systems|
Assignment title|Computer Systems – Unit 2 |
In this assignment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria.Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found |
Criteria reference|To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to:||Task no.||Evidence|
P2.1.1|Explain the role of computer systems in differentenvironments||T1.1|||
P2.1.2|Explain the hardware, software and peripheralcomponents of a computer system||T1.2|||
P2.1.3|Compare different types of computer systems||T1.3|||
P2.2.1|Produce a system design specification to meet aclient’s needs||T2.1|||
P2.2.2|Evaluate the suitability of a system designspecification||T2.2|||
P2.3.1|Build and configure a computer system to meet adesign specification||T2.1|||
P2.3.2|Test and document a computer system||T3.1|||
P2.4.1|Perform routine maintenance tasks on a computersystem||T4.1||Observation|
P2.4.2|Upgrade the hardware and software on a computersystem.||T4.2||Observation|
M1|compare the features and functions of different operating systems||T1.1, T2.2|||
M2|Justify choice of computer system to meet a given business purpose||T2.2|||
M3|Evaluate the performance of a computer system||T1.1.2, T2.2|||
D1|Explain how software utilities can improve the performance of computer systems||T4.1||Observation|
D2|Explain and justify improvements that could be made to a computer system.||T4.2||Observation|
Learner declaration|
I certify that the work submitted or this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.Learner signature: Date:|
Assignment brief|