It is known that, movement of information and effectiveness of information, timely reporting for internal and external use is one of the key aspects in success of services and goods provided by the organisation to its customer.
Before the development of computerised system in Tanzania most of public sectors, government sectors ,social service providers sectors and different business organisations, used manual method of recording and control over any transaction relating to financial and other activities.
With the expansion of those sectors the number of transactions increased. The manual method of recording, manipulation, producing, distributing and maintaining records found as to be unmanageable.
With the introduction of computers in those activities, the manual method of accounting is being gradually replaced. And finally, the database technology has revolution the accounts department of the business and non business organisations.
In the use of computerised accounting system the risk of data loss is eliminated, high speed in data manipulation is maintained and larger volume of data are kept safely. In computerised accounting system calculation became easy and controlled effective, also development of computerised accounting system, facilitate the ongoing operations of firm and contribute to its competitive strategy.
Before the installation of computerised accounting systems, all processes of accounting which associates with the system today, such as receiving data, recording, processing and reporting was done manually with pen and paper. This system made the job too difficult as it bumps into by the following problem.
It was easy for documents to get lost or being misplaced, sometimes would disappear completely. On the other hand it was easy to be destroyed or change necessary documents in different files, unnecessary debt to the government through local
Bibliography: 7. PH basset (1996), a computerised accounting system printed in Great Britain 8 9. Larry long (1987), Computing in business practice, Hall Inc. New York. 10. Meigs Ward and Meigs, RF (1990) Accounting the basis for business decision , 4th edition Grawfill LTD 11