Student IDs are a good way to increase the campus security. The Project Gate Entry used Barcode Scanner System has provided benefits to the events have made security a top priority for educational institutions. From the smallest charter school to the largest university, all are concerned about running an efficient, low cost security solution that provides safety for its students, staff and community. The student identification number is for school’s use only to access the school facilities such as libraries, internet laboratories, and even in the other transactions like payment of tuition fees, and becomes part of a student’s school record. The number does not change if a student moves from one School Campus to another. Beyond its use by the department for data analysis purposes, the student identification number has no other purpose or significance.
The project system is to be implemented in any entrance gate of Universities or in the libraries aimed to enhance its security monitoring protocols. Gate Entry Barcode Scanning System — as we all know that every University has this kind of system. But in the study, the project is focusing on the different aspects in the University’s Gate Entry System which involve the Bar Code ID Scanning to ensure security policies for every students, employees, faculty members and fair treatment of the security guards to everyone. Because of this security implementation, students from other universities, visitors, and guest/s are also allowed to get in the campus with the following reason that they are required to submit any Philippine issued Photo ID (school ID, PRC Card, Passport, Driver’s License, SSS/GSIS) at the guard’s house. Any person who doesn’t have his/her I.D. must right their name in the log book. An outsider must have a reason or purpose why he/she would like to get in the campus.
The project will use a Bar Code Scanner machine to the student IDs to recognize its identity of the student upon