August 22, 2011
In order to understand the future of laptops, we will take a look at the history and present concepts of laptops. Technology has advance dramatically over the years. Laptops were once huge bulky machines and now most portable devices such as laptops are so small you can fit them in a regular purse. Laptops once had modems and dial up connection but now we use Wi-Fi as way to connect to the internet. Now laptops can do virtually anything from playing games online to shopping in faster speeds. According to Bill Gates, “the most significant innovation in personal computing over the past 30 years has been the evolution of natural interfaces, with GUI, speech recognition, gestures and touch receiving equal weight.” (Hachman, 2011). With such the advancement of technology in the past 30 years, laptops have become easier for anyone to use. As the advancement of technology, the future ideas of laptops will become faster and smaller. There are already devices as netbooks, tablets, and cellphones that can do some of the same functions as laptops. Not only has technology of laptops improved, the cost of them has also became more affordable for everyone compare to what they use to cost. The history of laptops has contributed to what they are now and the future of what they will be. Below are a couple of pictures of the transition of laptops over the years. The first laptop is no were near what laptops are today. For example the first laptop that was invented was not book sized and folding to what we are familiar today. However they still were portable and were able to sit on your lap. In 1981, the first "true portable computer", the Osborne 1 was introduced by the Osborne Computer Corporation. This computer revolutionized the way that computers were used and introduced a brand new working opportunity. The Osborne Computer Corporation was founded in 1980 by Adam Osborne. This
References: Carey, D. (n.d.). The complete laptop computer history. Retrieved August 11, 2011, from Cha, B. (2011, August 15). Motoral 's android devices: Past, present, and future. Retrieved August 16, 2011, from Compare laptop computers. (n.d.). Retrieved August 12, 2011, from Hachman, M. (2011, August 12). Bill gates on the past, present, and future of the pc. Retrieved August 15, 2011, from,2817,2391013,00.asp. Irfan. (2009, April 12). Inventions & innovations [Web log post]. Retrieved from Malcolm, P. (2011, August 16). The history of laptops [Web log post]. Retrieved from Noel Randewich. (2011, July 23). PC giants see writing on the tablet as more consumers go mobile. The Gazette,C.5. Retrieved August 23, 2011, from ProQuest Newsstand. (Document ID: 2407232041). Tuvie design of the future. (2011). Retrieved August 11, 2011, from split-lifebook-for-2013-by-jung-dae-hoon/