A policy is predetermined course of action established to guide the performance of work towards accepted objectives. It is a type of a standing plan that serves to guide subordinates in the execution of their tasks. Human resource policies are statements of human resource objectives of an organization and provide a broad framework within which decisions on human resource matter can be made without reference to higher authorities. Human resource policies lay down the criteria for decision-making in field of Human resource management.
“Human resource or labour or industrial relation policy provides guidelines for a wide variety of employment relationships in the organization. These guidelines identify the organization’s intentions in recruitment, selection, promotion, development, compensation, motivation and otherwise leading and directing people in the working organization. Human resource policies serve as a road map for managers.”
- Dale Yoder
“Human resource policies constitute guides to actions. They furnish the general standards or bases on which decisions are reached. Their genesis line in an organization’s values, philosophy concepts and principles.” - R.Calhoon
Human resource policies need to be differentiated from human resource procedures. Human resource programmes, and human resource practices. Human resource procedures imply the chronological sequence of steps used to implement human resource policies. Policies are guide to thinking but procedure is guide to action. Human resource procedure indicates who has the authority to implement a human resource policy, what paperwork is involved and what records are to be maintained for monitoring and control.
The main requirements of a good human resource policy are as follows:
1.) A human resource policy should contribute to human resource objectives and