This concept is taken from Module 8 (”Planning- II”), Block 1(’ Organization, planning and staffing’). PERT is a project management tool employed in scheduling, organizing and coordinating various tasks within an organizational project. It is mainly a method use to analyze various tasks involved in accomplishing an identified project in respect to the time required to complete each of the task, and also to find out the least time required to complete the project absolutely.
Critical Path Method (CPM) is quite similar to PERT; they both help in monitoring how big projects are progressing. The CPM is used for the control of well spelt out activities and it is called a statistical …show more content…
It exists to enhance participation of multidisciplinary team’s expertise in the use of their cognitive and technical skills in the care of patients with respect to appropriate timing of action through recognizing of early start time, late start and slack for every activity .
4.2 Current research activities related to the concept/implementation of activities related to the concept.
Globalization is having tremendous effect on many societies; lots of organizations are expected to display their effectiveness and efficiency in the delivery of service and they have come to realize that when customers’ needs are met, their profit level increases. The use of PERT and CPM is now being employed by many of these organizations to help in analyzing their business project and bring about more effectiveness and efficiency through the reduction and stabilization of time required by the process cycle and other cost saving measures.
A study focused on finding the trade-of involved between the cost and shortest possible time needed to complete a construction project used this concept. The necessary data regarding the cost and completion duration were obtained from a building firm located in Ghana. In addition, both PERT and CPM were …show more content…
The use and distribution of available resources is enhanced to ensure effectiveness, productivity, safe, efficient and cost effective quality care. It is also utilize in developing the correct sequence, order and timing of nursing staff actions in the holistic care of clients and in accomplishing maximum efficiency that is focused on meeting client goals.
CPM is helpful in documentation of nursing activities on a daily basis there by assisting nurses to be accountable for almost every activity carried out during the course of work.
4.4 Usefulness of concept in the current world
They are important tools that can be used to simplify, visualize and communicate vital information and points for and about large projects in various fields of study and the world at large. They both enhance understanding of the dependencies and association that exist between tasks while making a good estimate of the duration it will take. It helps to predict areas of possible delays so organizations and establishment can be well prepared. It enhances meeting deadlines while working on a large number of tasks. The sequences involve help to create a well- organized project through setting of