Agents: can be regarded as an independent individuals or company the whose function is to act as the primary selling arm of the producers. Agents take possession of a product and do not actually own them. They are usually makes profits from the commissions or fees paid for the service they rendered to the customers.
Distributor: are those parties whose distributed the good and service to the wholesalers and the retailers. They are similar to the wholesalers with one key different. Wholesalers will carry variety of competing product such as pepsi and coke , whereas distributors only carry complementary product lines. Distributed usually maintain the close relationship with their suppliers and customers.
Wholesalers: is the trader who buy goods in a large quantity and sell in a smaller quantities to the retailers they usually sell their product in order to make profit. Wholesalers normally buy their goods from the Manufactures/ producers.
Retailers: is a traders whose buy goods and service in a smallers quantities from the wholesalers and sell it to the final consumers i.e. hawkers. There are several general ways