01/06/18 Tip of the Day Johnny Boyd 0 shares
In this article I address the concepts of the return. While it may seem to be an advance concept, it’s actually a key fundamental aspect of learning how racquetball is played. With new players, we recommend to learn enough about the rules to get started, and get on the court and have fun. As you continue to learn about the rules, or need a refresher, do take time to learn these important concepts. You’ll improve your e×ectiveness during the game.
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I am sure my physics professor would be amused with my using the atomic diagram to illustrate an important aspect of racquetball. The return is without question the nucleus of playing racquetball, …show more content…
This article reviews Rule 3.14 responsibility, and addresses the following four distinct concepts of the return.
The o×ensive players 3 entitled elements of attempting the return.
Responsibilities of the defensive player.
Responsibilities of the o×ensive player.
Criterion to assess a hinder.
Let's take a moment to review Rule 3.14 .
Rule 3.14 Responsibility
While making an attempt to return the ball, a player is entitled to a fair chance to see and return the ball. It is the responsibility of the side that has just hit the ball to move so the receiving side may go straight to the ball and have an unobstructed view of and swing at the ball. However, the receiver is responsible for making a reasonable e×ort to move towards the ball and must have a reasonable chance to return the ball for any type of hinder to be called.
Concept 1
While making an attempt to return the ball, the o×ensive player is entitled to see the ball, have a straight path to the ball, and room to swing at and hit the ball.
Discussion: When it’s the o×ensive player's turn to hit the ball, the player has #1 priority on the court, and as …show more content…
Rule 3.14 entitles the o×ensive player to 3 key elements of executing a return: View, Path and
Swing! The o×ensive player’s “fair chance” is articulated through these 3 elements of attempting the return.
It’s also important to note the ball is entitled to a clear path and once struck, an uninterrupted path to its desired location. Concept 2:
It is the defensive players responsibility to move suÕciently to a×ord the o×ensive player the 3 entitled elements of executing the return.
Discussion: The defensive player has #2 priority, and must move suÕciently so all 3 entitled elements of executing the return (View, Path, Swing!) are a×orded to the o×ensive player, while maintaining position to return the pending shot. This #2 priority is a fascinating concept of racquetball. Perhaps a discussion for a future article.
And just to emphasize again, the defensive player must move suÕciently irrespective of the shot selection the o×ensive player chooses to make an attempted return e.g., ceiling, back wall, side wall, straight to the front wall, down the line, cross court far corner, etc. When the defensive player does not move suÕciently to a×ord the o×ensive player these 3 elements of the return, it could result in a replay hinder, a penalty hinder, or no hinder