|Proficiencies/Professional Dispositions of the Conceptual Framework are very similar. The purpose of seven of the principles and proficiencies |
|that overlap are High Expectations Respect for the Diversity of Others Fairness Professional Conduct Reflection Curiosity Honesty Compassion |
|Advocacy Dedication. |
|Principle I of The Association of American Educators' four principles of ethical teachers is Ethical Conduct Toward Students. Listed within that|
|section are the following numbered points: |
|2. The professional educator does not intentionally expose the student to disparagement. |
|4. The professional educator makes a constructive effort to protect the student from conditions detrimental to learning, health, or safety. |
|These two items would serve the same purpose as the Advocacy professional disposition expected by GCU. Educators are expected to be student |
|advocates because in many cases we are the only voice a student may have. It is oftentimes that a teacher must, in a certain capacity, act as |
|the students parent and assist in resolving issues that are fair and just to the student. Fairness, one of the many proficiencies GCU expects is|
|quite reminiscent of the remaining items within Principle I: Ethical Conduct Towards Students. The remaining items are: |
|1. The professional educator deals considerately and justly with each student, and seeks to resolve problems, including discipline, according |
|to law and school policy. |
|3. The professional educator does not reveal confidential information concerning students, unless required by law. |
|5. The professional educator endeavors to present facts without distortion, bias, or personal prejudice. |
|The purpose of these expectations is to ensure the equal treatment of all of the students. We have all heard the stories of “teachers pets. |
|These expectations are to prevent a teacher from manifesting personal feelings for a student into unfair advantages during certain situations. |
|PRINCIPLE II: Ethical Conduct toward Practices and Performance within AAE's document includes the following: |
|1. The professional educator applies for, accepts, or assigns a position or a responsibility on the basis of professional qualifications, and |
|adheres to the terms of a contract or appointment. |
|3. The professional educator continues professional growth. |
|These sub-principals serve the same purpose as Dedication within GCU's dispositions. As an educator the worst thing we can do as an educator is |
|to stop growing; professionally or spiritually. When I decided to be an educator I chose to be the best educator I could possibly be. We are |
|expected to be the best for our students. |
|All of the principles and proficiencies within The Association of American Educators' (AAE) four principles of ethical teachers and GCU's Teacher|
|Candidate Proficiencies/Professional Dispositions of the Conceptual Framework are necessary. These are expected of us as educators because they |
|are critical in nurturing our students to be the best they can be. |
| |
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