Nursing theories and conceptual models are the groundwork for nursing research and is an illustration of nursing knowledge. Nurses use conceptual models and theories in their practice and continued research, which allows for constant growth and development, along with better patient care and outcomes (Kearney-Nunery, 2014, p.34) “The conceptual models and theories of nursing represent various paradigms derived from the metaparadigm of the discipline of nursing” (Masters, 2014, p. 48).
A theory is defined as “a set of interrelated constructs (concepts), definitions, and propositions that present a systemic view of phenomena by specifying relations among variables, with the purpose of explaining and predicting …show more content…
Smith and Parker (2015) define middle range theory as being narrow in scope compared to grand theories as well as offer a bridge between grand theories and enlightenment of nursing phenomenon. Middle range theories encompass the perceptions of pain, symptoms management, cultural issues, and health promotion (McEwen & Willis, 2014, p.74). McCarthy and Fitzpatrick (2014) stated middle range theories are used to guide research and give direction to nursing interventions in practice. An example of Middle range theory is Ruland and Moore’s Theory of Peaceful End of Life. It focused on decreasing the paint, nausea and thirst of terminally ill as well as not having to die alone (McCarthy & Fitzpatrick, 2014, p.26). The Theory of Peaceful End of Life is significant to nursing students and registered nurses as it depicts the complexity of providing care to terminally ill patients (McCarthy & Fitzpatrick, 2014, p.26). “This level of theory is expanding most rapidly in the discipline and represents some of the most exciting work published in nursing today” (Smith & Parker, 2015, …show more content…
They describe the concepts of a phenomenon, but do not give reason to how or why the concepts are linked (McEwen & Willis, 2014, p. 38). Furthermore, it offers some reflection and meaning about phenomena (McEwen & Willis, 2014, p.38). An example of descriptive theory is Dombrowsky and Gray, who developed a conceptual model using concept analysis, about urinary continence and incontinence (McEwen & Willis, 2014, p.38).
Finally, prescriptive theories focus on nursing therapeutics and foresee their consequences (ppt presentation, 2012). They should define the type of client, the prescription, the consequences and the conditions (McEwen & Willis, 2014. P. 40). An example of prescriptive theory is a model by Walling, defining medical acupuncture for nurse practitioners (McEwen & Willis, 2014, p. 40). It described how acupuncture could reduce stress levels as well as improve wellbeing (McEwen & Willis, 2014, p.40).