Brian Miller
07/22/2017 Concert Analysis Essay
For this concert report analysis, I was not able to actually go see a concert in person. So I watched a video on youtube since that was an option for this assignment. On Youtube, I watched an orchestral concert that was performed by the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. From what I saw, the string instruments that were being played by the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra in this particular video are; the violin, the violas, the cellos, the double bass, and the harp. And the wind instruments that were being played are …show more content…
And while venue was huge, there was barely enough room for all of the musianins on the stage, it looked like everybody was trying to take up as little room as possible so they can all fit up there. So I think that the musicians would have been a lot more comfortable and the concert would have looked a lot neater if the stage was a little bit bigger. I also think that the seating areas for the audience should have been a little bit bigger because everybody was kind of packed together. And while there were a couple of seats free in the venue, I really believe that having more seat in the venue for the audience would make a lot of people's concert experience better in many ways. But the seating problem does not change that the venue, in my eyes, was beautiful. I really loved the structure of the venue, it was really modern and it looked like something you would see on television. I also truly think that the feel of the venue really did suit the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra and the amazing pieces they played during their concert. Also, from what I heard and saw in the video, the venue had great acoustics and a very high performance environment, which made my want to be at the concert in person even