Our aim of the project, we would like to study on the efficiency and effectiveness of plastic recycling in Hong Kong. Nowadays, landfill a becoming overload due to different types of human habits in discard their waste materials.
So we would like to make four parts collection method of plastics waste to analysis. Such as housing estates, public area, school and shopping mall.
Before doing the project, we had makes a questionnaires, visits to concerning parities, participates ECO Expo Asia exhibition and finding some documents research for our methodology.
Firstly, we are participating in Eco Expo Asia exhibition for finding some advice. On this exhibition we learned that the plastic could recycle to different kind of valuable thinks. Such as T-shirt, Cups, Pens etc.… …
However, we also go to Tuen Mun Yan Oi Tong Recycle Centre. We are attending a lesson on the centre. Their member who is repents the recycle schemes about the plastics. Also, base on their statistics of recycle rate, housing estates is a top in 1 of 4 recycle rate of the collection method.
The reason of why housing estate is the most efficiency and effectiveness collection method. Firstly, we can refer to the diagram to find out the hints. In diagram 1 of housing estate it was given tells the most common way that people will choose in handling their plastic waste. Almost half of the people will choose housing estate of their collection method is 43%. The second popular method is public area, 29%. And the remaining goes to shopping malls and schools, 16% and 12%.
Moreover, housing estate it was provided a most suitable recycle bins in appropriate area. Almost all of the responders was expressed that the recycle bins was placed in eyes catching. That’s one of the reasons why housing estate was the most popular collection method.
Furthermore, most of the responders said that the recycling facilities are adequate and normal. Only few of them expressed that it is not adequate in their housing estate.
Besides, Most estate resident was joined the some recycle scheme in our total 25 of 43 responders have joined recycle schemes hold by their housing estate, but 18 of them do not. In this, we think the resident are willing to join the recycle scheme and it can encourage another resident to recycle the waste plastics.
However, almost of the responders was expressed that they had never seen inappropriate rubbish placed in the recycling bins before. That means the education of recycling was enough for the residents. It result that why housing estate was a highly will to chose of collection method and most effectiveness and efficiency recycled plastics.
Finally, base on our result, we would like to recommend another 3 collection methods (likes Schools, Public area, Shopping Malls) to make following activities to encourage their effectiveness and efficiency of recycle plastics.